Full Stack Developer- EvolveSPM
2019 - Present• Built interfaces using Bootstrap, jQuery, Angular, and NativeScript for APIs and other services. • Integrated various services for reoccurring jobs and trigger events using ColdFusion and SQL Server. • Setup AES encryption storage with cipher block chain technology in accordance with OWASP.
Lead Wed Development instructor - BeachCoders Academy.
2019 - Present• Immersive and an industry professional level course. Students completing this course will gain skills comparable to a ‘Junior Web Developer’ and can pursue a company role as such or do freelance web developer work. • Teaching JavaScript fundamentals including scope, higher order functions, closure, prototype inheritance and Object-oriented programming (OOP). https://beachcoders.com/speaker/darlene-graterol/
Freelance Web Developer
2018 - Present● Designed web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AJAX, Node JS and React. ● Customized Bootstrap framework using LESS. ● Designing the CSS templates for all pages on the website working with CSS Background, positioning, text, border, margin, padding, and table. ● Gathered JSON responses from multiple APIs, parsed the data and presented on the UI layer. ● Implemented Responsive Design for all web applications. ● Worked with data using AJAX.